About US
Begin the process
with Asset Recovery Professionals
Our team has expertise in acquiring, reviewing, and examining public records from government agencies across the country to locate unclaimed, missing, or lost funds that rightfully belong to the owners.
No Upfront Cost
We do not require any upfront payment from you. Instead, we operate on a contingency basis and will only receive compensation if we are successful in retrieving the funds on your behalf.
Free Consultation
We specialize in providing services related to bankruptcy, unclaimed property, foreclosures, and tax refunds efficiently. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you. Our consultations as Asset Recovery Professionals are offered at no cost and with no obligation.
Contact us Today!
Let us help reclaim your lost equity
Request Your Foreclosure Surplus Funds Information Today.
Learn about the potential refund amount awaiting you.
Our Mission
If a claim for your funds isn’t made in time, the funds often “escheat” to the agency holding them, meaning you can no longer claim them and the government gets to keep them.
It’s your money, and the government shouldn’t be able to take it from you.
Our mission is to ensure that this never, ever happens. We audit government files and documents for these unclaimed funds, and when we find them, we make it our personal mission to reunite them with their rightful owner.
Our Vision
We’d love to see you reclaim the funds we’ve found for you! What would you do with a nice, unexpected payday? In this economy, everyone’s got a use for extra money. Let’s make sure the government doesn’t end up with it! We think private citizens losing their funds to faceless government agencies is completely unfair and we are determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you.
Our Core Values
Professionalism, trust, simplicity, and accountability are four essential values that define the foundations of any successful individual or organization. Together, these values form a powerful framework for achieving success in any endeavor. By embodying professionalism, trust, simplicity, and accountability, individuals and organizations can build strong relationships, earn the respect and loyalty of their stakeholders, and deliver exceptional results.
Do You Need Assistance?
Foreclosure Refunds are a legitimate opportunity for individuals to reclaim funds they may be owed. We assist our clients in filing claims with the government to facilitate the return of their money, without any upfront costs involved.